Lion Sighting

All appearances shall be supportive of the University’s mission or values.

The Mascot and guide may not accept gifts, special promotions, or other items unless those items are available to the general promotion of the event.

Please refer to University Policy AD86 regarding the acceptance of gifts and entertainment.

At the event, the Mascot requires the following:

  • A parking space close to the event.
  • A private place to dress and rest.
  • A 10-15 minute break per hour.
  • A secure location for their clothes and personal items.
  • Drinking water available at all times.
  • A reminder of when the appearance time is over.

The Mascot costume may become excessively hot under certain conditions, and extended use can be hazardous. The mascot and/or guide reserve the right to leave an appearance in which they feel unsafe.

The cost of a Lion Sighting for both campus and non-campus events is $50 for the first hour, and an additional $10 per hour after the first hour.

For non-campus appearances:

For Non-University events, the Mascot is potentially available upon request with a minimum of one month’s notice. The mascot will be escorted by a University employee who will serve as the mascot's guide.

Because the request will need to be reviewed and the mascot and guide schedule will need to be checked, there is no guarantee that a request will be fulfilled.

Payment for appearance shall occur prior to the event. If the appearance is cancelled, the campus shall determine reimbursement (if any) amount.

Photos and videos taken at these events may not be used for commercial or promotional purposes without express consent from The Pennsylvania State University Intercollegiate Athletic Department.

LIABILITY FOR COSTUME DAMAGE: In the event that any components of the mascot costume are damaged as a result of negligence or misconduct on the part of a guest at an appearance, the requesting organization will be responsible for the repair/replacement of each damaged item.

For on-campus events:

The Nittany Lion MUST be provided with a guide, who is required to be a University employee.

Contact Information
Please include first and last name.
Is this a campus event, or a non-campus affiliated event?
If on campus, please include building and room number. If off campus, please include full location address.